Policy purpose and brief 

Our passengers are by definition vulnerable and it is vital we provide consistent standards of service suitable to their needs and within the capabilities of our organisation. 

An effective complaints system helps us to: 

     • identify areas for improvement in the delivery of our service 

     • avoid repetition of the issue 

     • identify training needs 

     • highlight where we may be working beyond our capabilities 

     • understand when we may not act consistently or within the law 

     • provide evidence of need and/or identify gaps in provision of services 

Treating all complaints seriously and handling them in a way that is seen to be open and fair increases our passengers’ confidence in us and will enhance the reputation of the organisation. 

We want to empower volunteers to take sensitive, proportionate and early action to solve complaints. It is also important that all volunteers understand the expectations and limitations placed on them when managing complaints. 

Complaints Procedure 

On receipt of a written or verbal complaint, if it cannot be managed immediately as a minor complaint, it will be directed to the Chairperson. They will decide on the gravity of the complaint and the need for further investigation or legal advice. In all cases, every attempt will be made to obtain a mutually satisfactory conclusion at as early a stage as possible. 

Minor Complaint (e.g. day to day operational issues, missed/late pickups etc)

For a minor complaint, the appropriate volunteer will work within existing policies and protocols to resolve the issue as soon and as amicably as possible. While no admission of legal liability will be given, every effort will be made to resolve the problem to everyone’s satisfaction. Sometimes a simple acknowledgment that something went wrong and will be fixed is all that is required. If the matter cannot be resolved satisfactorily, the person will be given the opportunity to complain to the Chairperson, via a meeting, phone call or email. 

Serious Complaint (e.g. personal injury, allegations of misconduct, inappropriate or illegal activity or an unsatisfactory conclusion to a minor complaint) 

In the case of a serious complaint, in the first instance a complaints form will be sent out within two working days of the complaint being made. The Chairman will investigate the complaint and may consult the Board of Trustees, a specially constituted panel or take legal advice. The results of this will determine if a formal response to the complainant is required. If necessary the complainant will be provided with the opportunity to attend a meeting, in the event of which, every effort will be made to resolve the problem to everyone’s satisfaction. This stage should be completed within four weeks. If, at this stage, the complainant remains unsatisfied: the complaint will be referred to the Trustees for their decision on any ensuing action. 

Record Keeping

A record will be kept of all complaints received, and documentation relating to the complaint will be securely held for three years. The log of complaints will be reviewed every six months. Volunteers Personal information held about a volunteer will not be disclosed without their permission. The possible exception to this is in the case of gross misconduct or any action that takes place under criminal, disciplinary and grievance procedures. Addresses and telephone numbers of volunteers should not be disclosed to a third party without that volunteer’s permission. 


Passengers and volunteers are entitled to see all information held about them with the exception of third party references. 

Code of Conduct 

Volunteers should avoid casual conversations discussing personal circumstances of other volunteers or organisations. Volunteers should not disclose information received in the course of their duties without the permission of the relevant people or organisations concerned. Volunteers must not speak to the press or communicate with any other media on matters which directly relate to the affairs of the organisation without prior agreement